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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Bringing In and Bringing Up

Psalms of ascent like Psalm 126 & 127 were sung on the way up to the temple. These two are about bringing in God's harvest and building up God's house. Jesus echos these psalms in His own prayers. Jesus wants us to participate in God's mission for the world.

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Be Still And Know

The Psalms teach us that worship is not about escaping your problems, but finding God in your problems. Psalm 46 is written by a psalmist looking for stability in his life, but the waves of life keep coming. How does he find stability so powerful it removes his fear?

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Longing For Sacred Places and Spiritual Presence

"Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere" How can we have an eternal perspective like this?! Maybe we should remind ourselves of where we are going? When you wake up on a Sunday morning and you decide to go to church, where are you going? In this sermon on Psalm 84 by Marq Toombs we are inspired by the words of David. We long for sacred places and spiritual presence of God like David found.

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

I Shall Not Be Shaken

What is David writing about in Psalm 16? Maybe he wrote it while he was on the run from Saul, a trusted friend who betrayed him? Or maybe he speaks of facing Goliath, a towering foe that that sought kill him? Or maybe its about the loss the child he never got to know? Maybe he's talking about fleeing from Absalom, his rebellious son that sought to undo his fathers house? In this sermon on Psalm 16 from Ryan Swindle we'll see David is speaking to the resurrection of Jesus.

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Seek My Face

What do you seek? What are you looking for in life? What do you want to see more than anything in the world? Psalm 27 reveals that there's nothing more beautiful and fulfilling than to seek the face of God, but what does that mean and how does Jesus show us the way?

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Singing Our Sorrow

Grief is tough. We don't like it. We try to ignore it or explain it away. But we can't tell the story of God without grief and suffering. Maybe that's why the modern church's telling of the story of God isn't believable.

This Psalm invites us to grieve. And it tells a compelling story. One that will make you want to worship with Gods people on Sunday and skip Sunday Brunch.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Fruit / Foundation

Jesus closes the Sermon on the Mount with a warning about false prophets. He asks us, “Whose voice do you listen to?” False prophets are a reality that we often don’t consider, but Jesus says they are deceptive and come to us in sheep’s clothing. Why does Jesus close his Sermon with this warning and what does he call us to do as his followers?

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Narrow / Wide

Jesus said, "Narrow is the gate and hard is the way that leads to life." What makes the discipleship road so narrow and how does it relate to the Golden Rule? What do our relationships have to do with the narrowness Jesus is talking about? Soften your heart so that your faith will be made stronger and be encouraged by this sermon from Matthew 7 on the Golden Rule from Zach Pummill.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Asking / Seeking

"Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi" – "The rule of Prayer, Faith, Life." The way we worship shows what we believe and shapes how we live. Our life story is hidden in this latin phrase. We think your faith will be made stronger and you will be encouraged by this sermon on Matthew 7 from Marq Toombs. Join us on our journey to know God, to walk with Him, and to cultivate a love for Him over all other things.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Judging / Hypocrisy

Jesus says, “Don’t judge,” but does that mean we aren’t allowed to make judgment of others? Does he mean the same thing as our surrounding culture that preaches non-judgmental acceptance of everyone else? Jesus teaches us in this passage how to be a people that offer the truth of Christ and the embrace of Christ at the same time. We hold truth and love together in a way that’s different than the surrounding world. His teaching is deeply convicting and challenges us in how we view others but also ourselves.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Anxiety / Trust

Anxiety is at epidemic levels in our world. Jesus speaks to our anxiety in this part of the Sermon on the Mount. Is anxiety a sin? What does it teach us about Him and about ourselves? How can we learn to begin to trust Him in our anxiety? We think your faith will be made stronger and you will be encouraged by this sermon on Matthew 6 from Marq Toombs.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Fasting / Treasure

Why fast? When was the last time you thought about storing up treasure in heaven compared to the last time you thought about buying something new? "Lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven" can seem so simple on the surface right, but the problem is we are not that simple. Jesus teaches us about fasting and money and connects them in a powerful way to challenge what we value.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Righteousness / Prayer

How are we supposed to pray? It's so intimidating to pray out loud and in front of other people! I always think people will judge me because I'm not very good a praying. Maybe you pray eloquently and you are usually asked to make public prayers because you're so good at it? Wherever you find yourself Jesus has words for you about how to pray in this sermon on Matthew 6.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Righteousness / Recognition

What motivates you? Whose approval do you seek most? These questions might at first seem disconnected from a sermon about righteousness, but in this part of the sermon on the mount, Jesus challenges everything the people thought about righteousness in just a few powerful words! Join us on our journey to know God, to walk with Him, and to cultivate a love Him over all other things.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Love / Hate

Loving your enemies – it doesn't sound right, does it? It's hard to accept Jesus's teaching on turning the other cheek and loving your neighbor, it's even harder to love our enemies. In this sermon on Matthew 5 we see Jesus challenging us to love radically different than the way the world loves. Join us on our journey to know God, to walk with Him, and to love Him over all other things.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Retaliation / Love

What do you do when you're wronged? Does revenge free you from those feelings? In this passage Jesus challenges our cultural norms and preconceived ideas about justice, revenge, and love. The Cross gives us permission to be wronged. The Cross says there is not a single wrong that escapes the gaze of God. The Cross says to let go of retaliation and rest in God's justice.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Oaths / Vows

We don't often think about oaths and vows unless we're at a wedding or a trial. But there are much bigger things at play in the way we use our words. Jesus teaches us the significance of the vows we take as we continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount.

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Easter 2023 Zach Pummill Easter 2023 Zach Pummill

The Hidden King

In this Sermon on Luke 24 we look at an odd story. The resurrected Jesus appears to two men walking on the road to Emmaus. They are disciples of Jesus but in spite of this they do not recognize Him. Why didn't they recognize Him? Why does God choose to reveal Himself to us in the ways He does? Jesus is writing an incredible story in these men's lives, and writing an incredible story in yours too. Join us on our journey to know God, to walk with Him, and to love Him over all other things.

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Palm Sunday 2023 Zach Pummill Palm Sunday 2023 Zach Pummill

The Weeping King

In this sermon on Luke 19 Marq Toombs gives us a look into a window of how and why Jesus wept leading into the final hours before his crucifixion. Jesus is led into the city, hailed as the king! He is surrounded by singing and celebration. But there are other things on Jesus heart in the midst of all this.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Divorce / Covenant

What does Jesus have to say about divorce? Or better yet, what does Jesus have to say about marriage? The Pharisees asked Jesus to weigh in on a debate around divorce, but Jesus points to the institution of marriage and calls his people back to covenant love. We look to the Sermon on the Mount to seek answers to these questions and more as Pastor Zach Pummill offers this sermon on divorce from Matthew 5:17-26.

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