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Mission & Values Matthew Fuqua Mission & Values Matthew Fuqua


God calls his people to go. In Acts 10 we see how missions isn’t just about changing the lives of others, it’s also a means by which Jesus changes us. In missions we are joining Christ in the work he is doing in the world for the life of the world.

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Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua

“Reinvention or Repentance”

Change is hard and not easy to come by. Most often we go about change by reinventing ourselves or not thinking about change at all. But God is not interested in reinventing you or keeping you the same. He wants to remake you from the inside out.

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Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua

“Are You The One?”

Jesus is the God that doesn't meet our expectations, but he is doing so much more. The season of Advent addresses our expectations of Jesus and reconnects us with how God moves in our lives.

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Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua Advent 2024: Matthew Fuqua

“The Root of Jesse”

Advent reminds us of our poverty. Our spiritual condition is one that is bankrupt before God and we are helpless except for his kindness and generosity towards us. The Advent Season is the reminder that our God is generous beyond measure, he sent us a King that would take on flesh and rescue his people. Yet, we often continue to live in the poverty of our own autonomy, instead of submitting our lives to our King.

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Esther Matthew Fuqua Esther Matthew Fuqua

“Complicated to Consecrated”

Esther 4 is one of the most epic passages in the Old Testament. We see a radical transformation in Esther as she goes from being a complicated bride to a consecrated queen. Her transformation and courage stem from her decision to consecrate and devote her life to God and God transformed her to be used in her time and her place.

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Esther Matthew Fuqua Esther Matthew Fuqua

"Complicated and Compromised"

Esther is one of the most misunderstood characters in the Bible. Most think she is either a victim, a coward, or a sellout. The author of Esther gives us a complicated and compromised view of Esther. But those typical views of Esther look at her in isolation from the rest of the grand story of God. Maybe we should ask what does God think of Esther and what does he think of us?

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Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua

“Deliver Us From Evil”

The devil is real, and he's at work. Waiting for just the right moment to attack. He is patient, motivated, personal, and he seeks to devour you. The Lord's Prayer shows us that this life is a battle, and this prayer is how we prepare for that battle!

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Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua

“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done”

What does it mean to pray for God's kingdom to come in the Lord's Prayer? The kingdom of God can be something mysterious to us, yet Jesus puts it at the very front of our prayer. When we see the gospel in light of the kingdom, it reveals how Jesus was teaching us to pray for the power of the gospel to be at work in our lives, especially when life gets hard and we struggle to know what to pray.

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Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua Our Lords Prayer Matthew Fuqua

“Hallowed Be Thy Name”

Prayer is the means of leading us into communion and closeness to God. But sometimes the more we pray the more distant we feel from Him. How can prayer make us feel so close and so far from God at the same time? What really is the purpose of prayer? We search deeper into The Lord's Prayer this week in search for the answers!

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The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua


We close our sermon series on the seven deadly sins this week with Anger. Looking at Absalom in 2 Sam 13 we see Absalom's desire for justice turn into a lust for vengeance. When he gets his vengeance, instead of his anger being quenched, it is only kindled until it destroys him. Stop planning your revenge and turn your eyes upon Jesus.

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The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua


To understand sloth we need to start from scratch. Forget what you think you know about sloth and join us on this introspective journey into the most misunderstood of the seven deadly sins. Sloth is deeply woven into the fabric of our brokenness.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Slaves in Exile”

There are many things in this small passage that don't seem to make sense to a modern mind. Peter is speaking the gospel into a particular time and place. Peter wants to teach us how the Church should engage the state, how the Church should engage injustice and how the Church should engage the way of Jesus Christ.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Priests in Exile”

We are all priests in exile? What does that mean? God is building a priesthood of believers. A community of redemption. It is only in this priesthood, this community, that we will find the answers to our suffering, our grief, and our pain. We are priests exiled together for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Hope in Exile”

When was the last time you felt hope? As we continue asking, "What is my salvation for?", Peter teaches us that it's so we might hope. But knowing the hope of our salvation requires that we understand that we live in exile, because this world is not our home. When we see the hopeless reality of sin in this world, we experience the hope of what God has done in this world through Jesus Christ.

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Scarred God”

In this Easter Sunday sermon on John 20 we look at Thomas. Oftentimes people use Thomas as an example of what not to do, so much so that he's called "Doubting Thomas". But doubt comes to us all more easily than we'd like to admit. But John doesn't highlight Thomas as a warning against doubt, he highlights Thomas for his faith in the midst of his doubt. Thomas needed a Scarred God and so do we.

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Abiding God”

The way that Jesus talks about discipleship is different than the way we think about discipleship. We may be able to say how to find eternal life in Jesus, but what about life now? How do we change and grow and experience the newness of life that Jesus offers us? In this sermon on John 15, Jesus teaches us what it means to abide in him so that we might bear fruit and experience new life.

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