
You can check out the latest sermon series or find past sermons in our library below.

The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


The second coming of Christ isn’t just an event we wait for, but something we prepare for as Christians. We are to be ready for that which will come like a thief in the night, so we should not fall asleep but remain vigilent.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


How is the second coming of Christ a comfort to Christians? Historically that was the basis of the Church’s remembrance of the second coming. It offered hope to those who recognized they lived in a broken world and that one day, all will be made new.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


In this sermon we consider the face of God and our desire for it and the transforming power of beholding it. At the Second Coming we will see Christ in his fullness, yet will are still called to seek the face of God in hope that he desires to meet with us.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


Advent is about restoring hope. How does the second coming offer hope in a world of grief and sorrow? What keeps us from experiencing the hope that is ours in Christ? In this sermon, we see how Paul uses the reality of the second coming to offer hope to a grieving church and give us a picture of the future that awaits all believers.

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