
The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

The Church and The Table

The final sermon in our series "The Church." How does the Table tie together everything that we are as the Church? What implications does it have for how we are to live and follow Christ? Follow us on our journey to know and love God and to be transformed to be more like Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

A Royal Priesthood

"We are a Holy Priesthood" What does that mean? We have no modern day equivalent to this. But this truth has massive implications for the people of God and it is good news for us! Let see what Peter is talking about as we dive deeper into 1 Peter.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Mother of Christians

Many of us have fathers who have abandoned, or abused us, and we have trouble relating to God as our Father. Many of us have mothers who never gave us love or affirmation and so it may be hard to hear Paul's words in Galations 4 that the church is our mother. Especially when so many of us have been hurt by the church in addition to all this. But what Paul is talking about here is not what you may have experienced. It's a beautiful picture of what God wants the church to be. Follow us on our journey to know and love God and to be transformed to be more like Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Army of God

The spiritual realm. An invisible evil. The spiritual dimension. We have a hard time with these things don't we? Its easier to just live in the dimension you can see and explain away everything as coincidence, chance, or luck right? But God has placed us on the front lines of a battle that is fought in a dimension we can't see, with weapons that seem powerless to us, with eternal consequences. And we better be ready.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Bride of Christ

Kill the Dragon, Get the Girl, Rule the World. That's how some would describe the story of the Bible. Except in the real story, the bride was seduced by the Dragon and he ruined her, she drifted, became homeless and broken. She became a harlot and gave herself over and over to lovers who hated her. She wouldn't listen to the bridegroom, or perhaps she just couldn't imagine a love so great for a bride like her could be true.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Temple of the Holy Spirit

In the beginning God dwelt with His people and walked with them in the garden. But man was cast out of the garden and God would dwell, veiled, in the temple of His people. Now we are the temple of God. And He dwells in us!!! We hope you find this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3 hopeful and encouraging.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Body of Christ

In this sermon from 1 Corinthians 12 we look at the kind of diversity that God intends for His Church. Paul uses the body analogy in a different way than it was used by the Roman Empire to upend the status quo of thinking about class structure, power, and influence in light of the gospel.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Family of God

We kick off a new sermon series "The Church" by looking at how we are the family of God. As we dig into Ephesians 2 we see the family of God is a blended family of former enemies unified in Jesus Christ. What can we learn from this dysfunctional family? Find out in this sermon on Ephesians 2 and join us on our journey to know, and walk with God.

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