We believe that baptism is first a sign of God's commitment to us, not simply our commitment to him – our commitments waver, but his does not. In baptism, God marks us as his own and reveals his unrelenting commitment to his people.
We baptize new believers.
We baptize new believers as they enter into the community of faith.
The New Testament portrays baptism as two things: a sign of entrance into Christ’s Church and a symbol of the Holy Spirit washing away our sins.
Baptism is a reminder of the high calling to which we have been named. As one is baptized, that baptism represents a new identity and a new family name, the name of our Father in heaven. Baptism sets us apart from the world and is a constant reminder of our calling to give ourselves to the mission of God. It signifies that we have been washed clean by the blood of Christ, we have been buried with him in his death, and we have been raised with him to new life (Romans 6).
Reformers used the phrase “improving upon your baptism” because baptism is something to live up to – it's something to always remember. It’s not just a symbol of getting into the kingdom, but a reminder about what it means to live as a citizen of the kingdom. It reminds us that we have been sealed with the heavenly imprint of our Father and that we belong to him.
We baptize infants.
We baptize the children of believers because they belong to the community of faith – because God’s promises are also for them.
Why would we baptize a child that hadn’t yet made a profession of faith? You could just as easily ask that question about circumcision in the Old Testament. God’s people in the Old Testament were always understood to not just be ‘professing adults,’ but also their children. For this reason, the sign of circumcision was administered to both adult converts and to the children of those who belonged to God’s family. Circumcision marked out and differentiated those who were people of God's covenant from the rest of the world.
The promise of being in God’s family, given to Abraham was this, “I will be your God and the God of your children after you.” Peter, in Acts 2, at the birth of the Church at Pentecost, states this same promise when the people ask how to respond to the gospel. He says, “Repent and be baptized. This promise is for you and for your children."
Therefore, we practice infant baptism because we believe God’s promise to Abraham, fulfilled in Christ, is not only for us, but also for our children. We claim God’s promises on behalf of our children, and in faith, we believe and hope that God will bring those promises to bear upon our children. He is the God who promises to also be the God of our children.
In no way do we believe that an infant or child is saved when they're baptized. In fact, we don’t believe that just because an adult is baptized that they are absolutely saved either. We can't really know the heart of the one being baptized, only God does. Either adult or infant baptism is a symbol of entrance into Christ’s church, in which we learn and grow in our understanding of what it means to be a child of God. Before any child can come to the Lord’s Table, we require that she gives a confession of faith that articulates the gospel in a way that shows her understanding of her need for a Savior.
When an adult convert professes faith we baptize them to announce their entrance into the life of God’s church. But, we also believe that God has blessed us with the children he's given to us and that he calls us to raise them as children who belong to him. They too have been set apart and must embrace the call of God upon their lives and trust in his promises. Baptizing our children expresses our faith that God deeply cares for our children and that he has given us baptism to remind us of his promise to be their God (Genesis 15 and 17).
Absolutely not. We believe in the unity of the church, because in Christ we're one family, and certainly within any family there can be disagreements. We recognize there are different ways of administering baptism that are practiced within the church. Each one is trying to be biblically faithful.
In no way is adhering to infant baptism a requirement for attendance or membership. While we have our views as a church, we also celebrate the joy of having diversity on this issue within our church. There are many among our body that come from different contexts and practices who call Redeemer Rockwall home.