Love Thy Neighbor

Being faithful to the Great Commission pushes us outside our own four walls.  

Whether it's through outreach, loving those in need, or simply having a presence in our city, we want to be a people known for loving others – because this is how Jesus has loved us. 

Ministry Partners

Helping Hands

Helping Hands exists to alleviate financial crisis and provide medical care for the underserved. We seek to partner with them as they serve the Rockwall area. They offer multiple projects throughout the year to help those in need in our community.

Hidden Acres

Redeemer Youth take a missions trip an hour from Rockwall to Hidden Acres each summer to serve immigrant youth and offers to them the good news of Christ. It's a great way for our youth to experience the poor among us and seek to take Christ to the poor and disadvantaged.

Genesis Learning Center

Redeemer Youth take a missions trip an hour from Rockwall to Hidden Acres each summer to serve immigrant youth and offers to them the good news of Christ. It's a great way for our youth to experience the poor among us and seek to take Christ to the poor and disadvantaged.