
You can check out the latest sermon series or find past sermons in our library below.

The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua The Seven Deadly Sins Matthew Fuqua


Gluttony is about the habits of your heart, and the health of your soul. If we're careful to examine our own hearts we shall surely find gluttony at work in us regardless of our waist size. Because gluttony is not just about food. It is a disordered appetite for more _____. Fill in the blank.

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“Restored In Exile”
Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Restored In Exile”

There are two ways of life according to 1 Peter 5. The way of The Lion, and the way of The Lamb. Peter warns us against the way the lion. Find out what Peter is talking about with us as we finish our sermon series on 1 Peter.

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“Rejoice In Exile”
Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Rejoice In Exile”

Life can feel like being stuck in exile sometimes. Life is full of loss, grief, and sorrow that makes us long for something more. But Jesus meets his people in exile. Peter begins his letter by addressing the "elect exiles" and begins to unpack how our salvation is a Trinitarian endeavor. He is our God and we are his people! He meets us in our lowest, darkest times and he will be with us in our exile to the very end!

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“The Helping God”
The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Helping God”

It's so hard to acknowledge that you need help. But it's even harder to ask for help if you're able to accept that you need it. Where does our help come from? Jesus gives us a window into this in the upper room. He says the helper is coming , but first He must leave us for a while. Would you rather see Jesus face to face or have The Helper indwelling you. Jesus says the helper is better. But do we really believe that?

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“Weakest Strength”
Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Weakest Strength”

The story of Samson has been told by the likes of veggie tales and C.S. Lewis, but is by no standard "safe for the whole family." In this sermon on Judges 16 we see God extending grace to Samson in his death when Samson finally chose weakness instead of strength. As we look to find Jesus in this passage it may be hard to see. Where is the "good news" in this story? Where is the gospel? Where is Jesus? He is the better Samson.

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“Mothers At Holy War”
Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Mothers At Holy War”

Judges 4 begins with "the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD sold them into the hand of the king of Canaan." In this story of vengeance and violence, God uses Deborah, Barak, and Jael to deliver his people. But you might ask, "how does this passage point to Jesus"? It might be hard to see, but in this story, God is keeping His promise to bring a savior to crush the head of the serpent!

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“He Leapt For Joy”
Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“He Leapt For Joy”

Two mothers begin a conversation and one of the babies "leapt for joy." This was a supernatural moment. One of these babies was John the Baptist and the other was Christ himself. So tiny in His mother's womb, maybe just an inch long. But these women, filled with the Spirit, knew exactly what was happening, and the significance of these two children not yet born. We pray you'll be encouraged by this sermon from Luke 1:39-45.

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Mother of Christians
The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Mother of Christians

Many of us have fathers who have abandoned, or abused us, and we have trouble relating to God as our Father. Many of us have mothers who never gave us love or affirmation and so it may be hard to hear Paul's words in Galations 4 that the church is our mother. Especially when so many of us have been hurt by the church in addition to all this. But what Paul is talking about here is not what you may have experienced. It's a beautiful picture of what God wants the church to be. Follow us on our journey to know and love God and to be transformed to be more like Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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Bride of Christ
The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Bride of Christ

Kill the Dragon, Get the Girl, Rule the World. That's how some would describe the story of the Bible. Except in the real story, the bride was seduced by the Dragon and he ruined her, she drifted, became homeless and broken. She became a harlot and gave herself over and over to lovers who hated her. She wouldn't listen to the bridegroom, or perhaps she just couldn't imagine a love so great for a bride like her could be true.

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Temple of the Holy Spirit
The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Temple of the Holy Spirit

In the beginning God dwelt with His people and walked with them in the garden. But man was cast out of the garden and God would dwell, veiled, in the temple of His people. Now we are the temple of God. And He dwells in us!!! We hope you find this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3 hopeful and encouraging.

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The Cost of Setting Free
Forgiven Zach Pummill Forgiven Zach Pummill

The Cost of Setting Free

"Why should I forgive him? He's not sorry at all about what he did!" "I mean, I've forgiven her, but I just can't be friends with her any more" True forgiveness has a cost doesn't it? It doesn't allow us to hold on to that hurt any more, it requires us to set it free. Kind of like the way Jesus forgives us right? But so often we want grace for ourselves and justice for others.

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Forgiving Penitent and Obstinate People
Forgiven Zach Pummill Forgiven Zach Pummill

Forgiving Penitent and Obstinate People

IIn this Sermon about forgiveness we look again at Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son. This story is full of wisdom, and one of the things God is trying to tell us is, that forgiveness is not a soft option. It is an obligation of grace that God has shown us. We see ourselves a certain way but the Father sees us differently. We pray you'll, not only be encouraged by this sermon about forgiveness, but that you'll resolve to forgive those who have wronged you.

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Family Feuds and Forgiveness
Forgiven Zach Pummill Forgiven Zach Pummill

Family Feuds and Forgiveness

In this Sermon about forgiveness we look at Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son. Are you waiting for others to apologize to you? Are you waiting until justice is done and they get exactly what they deserve? Are you waiting until you think you've punished them long enough and made your point? This passage shows us that we are the ones who need forgiveness and our unwillingness to forgive you're simply making payments on their unconcealed debts. There is so much to forgive and so much to be forgiven, so what are you waiting for?

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