
The Seven Deadly Sins Zach Pummill The Seven Deadly Sins Zach Pummill


This sermon on envy begins a new sermon series on the 7 deadly sins. The idea of the seven deadly sins comes out of Proverbs 6:16-19. As we dive into what envy is, and why it is "deadly". We pray you would find the tools to put to death the envy in your own heart and that you would find in it's absence the pure joy of the Spirit of God!

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Psalms Zach Pummill Psalms Zach Pummill

Singing Our Sorrow

Grief is tough. We don't like it. We try to ignore it or explain it away. But we can't tell the story of God without grief and suffering. Maybe that's why the modern church's telling of the story of God isn't believable.

This Psalm invites us to grieve. And it tells a compelling story. One that will make you want to worship with Gods people on Sunday and skip Sunday Brunch.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Salt / Light

God wants us to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, right? We see it all around us: "#blessed". We post this when after a promotion or buying a new house. But is this Jesus's definition of what it means to be blessed? Find out with us on our journey to know a deeper, and richer understanding of the Word of God and to walk with Him in this sermon on Matthew 5:13-16 from the Sermon on the Mount.

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