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Jesus: The Resurrected King
The resurrection is the story of all stories. Without the resurrection our faith amounts to nothing, because it would mean that death had not been conquered and sin still reigned in this world. In this sermon we take a closer look at the resurrection and what it means for us today.
Jesus: The Lamb Led To Slaughter
The trial of Jesus is a brutal scene. Jesus stood before the mob as they demanded his death at his trial. Why didn’t Jesus defend himself against the false and erroneous charges? What does this teach us about the sin in our heart and the price that must be paid for it?
Jesus: The Shepherd King
Jesus is commonly referred to as the shepherd of his people. This teaches us something about Jesus’s Lordship over us, but it also teaches us about who we are. We are sheep led by a gentle Master for our good.
Jesus: The Founder of the Feast
The night before his death Jesus gave his people a perpetual feast. At the Last Supper he founded a meal to remember his death and sacrifice for his people. What does this meal teach us about Jesus and his place in our lives? What is the significance of the Lord’s Supper?
Jesus: The Man Who Comes Around
In this sermon on Mark 13 we consider Jesus’s teaching about the destruction of Jerusalem and end of all things. What does this passage teach us about readiness and how do we look to establish our own kingdoms rather than the kingdom of God?
Jesus: The Watchman
Jesus watches over his people. In this passage we see Jesus rebuke the pride and arrogance of the scribes who love the seats of honor and status, but we also see him receive the lowly. A poor widow offers her tithes unnoticed and in such a small amount, yet in the economy of Jesus’s kingdom, she offered a fortune.
Jesus: The Messiah
Jesus entered Jerusalem and was received like a conquering hero. The people expected the rise of a new Israel as the most powerful nation on the planet, yet Jesus came for a different purpose. Not to kill the Romans, but sacrifice himself. What does this teach us about our own expectations about Jesus and knowing our true problem?
Jesus: The Son of Man
Jesus called himself the ‘son of man’ more than anything else. What does this mean and what does it tell us about Jesus’s ministry?
Jesus: The Servant of All
In this sermon we see how Jesus came to serve, not to be served. We often miss Jesus in our lives in the same way as the disciples, we aren’t about what he’s about. The disciples were looking for power and an earthly kingdom. They each wanted to be the greatest in that kingdom, yet Jesus shows us that his kingdom is unlike anything else.
Jesus: The Radiance of God’s Glory
On the Mount of Transfiguration three disciples saw Jesus in the brilliance of his glory. The description of Jesus in this passage tells us something important about him and the purpose of his ministry.
Jesus: The Eye-Opener
In this passage Jesus heals a blind man. Mark pays special attention to how Jesus healed this man and wants us to see something important. What does this man’s physical condition teach us about our spiritual condition?
Jesus: The Disrupter
Jesus disrupts our systems of self-righteousness. The Pharisees were known for their adherence to the law and ritual washings for purity, yet Jesus places no value on their legalism. Jesus teaches us what truly makes us unclean and broken and how no effort of ours can fix it. Instead, we need One who can cleanse our hearts, not our hands.
Jesus: The Resurrector
Jesus is more than we could imagine. In this passage we have two powerful stories of the woman with the issue of the blood and Jairus whose daughter was ill and died. Both of them came to Jesus and both of them got far more than they were looking for when he met them in their suffering.
Jesus: The Lord of the Storm
How does Jesus display his divinity? In Mark 4 we see Jesus calm the storm as the disciples are afraid that they are going to die. They marvel at the fact that even the wind and waves obey him and they were greatly frightened. What does this tell us about who Jesus is in our lives?
Jesus: The Radical
What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? At this point in Jesus’s ministry he had become a phenomenon and was constantly surrounded by the crowds. He was blamed for using the power of Satan to cast out demons, but Jesus responds with a far more radical answer.
Jesus: The Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus begins his ministry with many signs and wonders and healing of the sick, but the Pharisees were skeptical of Jesus. When they saw his disciples eating grain on the Sabbath in the fields, they put Jesus to the test. But Jesus says he is the Lord of the Sabbath and teaches us why the Sabbath, true rest, is given and commanded by God.
Jesus: The King
How would you define the gospel? Is it just the good news that Jesus died for your sins and you get to live forever, or is it something far bigger and better? Mark tells us that Jesus began preaching the gospel from the very beginning of his ministry. So what is the gospel if Jesus was preaching it before he ever died on the cross?
Jesus: The Beloved Son of God
Mark begins with John the Baptist announcing the arrival of the Messiah. Jesus is first introduced to us as the beloved Son of God with whom the Father is pleased.