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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Lust / Love

Pornography, sex, and lust – our culture tells us if it makes us happy it's good for you. But Jesus says truly happy are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Jesus teaches on lust and what really occurs in the heart. He calls for a radical disposition towards lust as we learn to follow one who resisted sin to the point of death.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Righteousness / Anger

Why is the world so angry? What does your own anger have to do with your relationship with God? In this passage Jesus teaches us the heart of anger in light of the heart of God so that we might understand what it looks like to live by a different set of values than the surrounding world. We look to the Sermon on the Mount to seek answers to these questions and more as Pastor Zach Pummill offers this sermon on Matthew 5:17-26.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Salt / Light

God wants us to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, right? We see it all around us: "#blessed". We post this when after a promotion or buying a new house. But is this Jesus's definition of what it means to be blessed? Find out with us on our journey to know a deeper, and richer understanding of the Word of God and to walk with Him in this sermon on Matthew 5:13-16 from the Sermon on the Mount.

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Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill Sermon On The Mount Zach Pummill

Blessed / Cursed

Jesus turns the world upside down in this sermon where He declares the blessed are cursed and the cursed are blessed, the rich are poor and the poor are rich, the sick are healthy and the healthy are sick, and the least are the greatest and the greatest are the least. And what does this mean for us?

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

A Word Of First Importance

The Corinthian Church didn't believe in resurrection. They followed the prevailing wisdom of the day. In fairness, it’s pretty crazy right? It defies all logic and everything we think we know. Paul writes to the Church in Corinth to "fact check" the "wisdom" of the Corinthian Church and encourage them in their faith with the reality of the resurrection. We hope you are encouraged and that your faith would be strengthened by this sermon on 1 Corinthians 15 from Ryan Swindle, our Care Pastor at Redeemer Rockwall.

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

Find The Suffering

At the installation of Ryan Swindle as a pastor at Redeemer Rockwall, Pastor Zach Pummill gave a sermon on Ezekiel 34 to encourage Ryan to follow Jesus in finding those in the middle of their suffering and being a good shepherd to those who are hurting.

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

My Soul Thirsts

When was the last time you emptied your heart before God? Do find your prayer life mostly consisting of asking God to change your circumstances? In your trials and suffering are you willing to want something more than your circumstances to change? The Psalmist wants more.

If you hunger and thirst for God, or if you want to hunger and thirst for God but you just can't seem to get there, then come along with us on a Journey to grow closer to Christ in this sermon on Psalm 42.

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

Christ: The Heart of the Matter

Christ is the potter and we are the clay. What do you want the make the potter to make with you? How do you want Him to shape your life? Behold the kindness of God in this sermon on Romans 10 as Pastor Marq discusses God’s sovereignty in salvation and how it relates to man’s responsibility to respond.

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill


Redeemer Rockwall hosted the North Texas Presbytery for its quarterly meeting. In this sermon, Pastor Zach teaches on the One who is coming for us and why remembering the second coming matters. Don’t you know who’s coming for you?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Paradise: God Prepares A Place

Acts 28 is the end of the biblical historical narrative. Luke doesn’t close his book with a climactic moment, he closes the book with a simple question: do you see what God is doing and do you want to be a part of it? In this sermon we consider this powerful ending and what it means to live inside of God’s story.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Spirit: God Moves On

Acts 28 is the end of the biblical historical narrative. Luke doesn’t close his book with a climactic moment, he closes the book with a simple question: do you see what God is doing and do you want to be a part of it? In this sermon we consider this powerful ending and what it means to live inside of God’s story.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Spirit: God Stirs Up The World

Paul shows us in this passage that all truth is God's truth. He uses a little bit of pop culture to show the philosophers on Mars Hill the gospel. Paul shows us the "unknown god" is the Creator, Lord, Savior, Father, and Judge. Join us on our journey to grow closer to God in this sermon on Acts 17.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Spirit: God Gathers The Others

In this passage God challenges Peter's understanding of the Jewish way of life with a sheet descending from heaven. But this is not just about clean and unclean, God had a plan from the beginning to draw all nations unto Himself! And God reminds Peter of what it looks like for the Kingdom of God to grow! Join us on our journey to grow closer to God in this sermon on Acts 10.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Spirit: God Pours Out

In this well known passage God pours out His Spirit on His people. If we look carefully we will see how God pours Himself out in three distinct ways: wind, word, and water. What does it mean for us? Join us on our journey to grow closer to God in this sermon on Acts 2 at Pentecost.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jesus: God Sends A Servant

In this sermon on Isaiah 53, we reflect on how Jesus's suffering didn't just begin at the cross, it began at Christmas. Isaiah refocuses our attention on who it was that was born into this world - a suffering servant who offered his life from start to finish. What does Jesus's suffering and service have to do with us?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jesus: God Sends A King

This Advent we are looking at Jesus as our Prophet, Priest, and King. In John 18, we consider how Jesus may not be the King you expect, the King you want, or the King you deserve – but Jesus is the King – and He's the King you need.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jesus: God Sends A Priest

What exactly is a priest and what is the significance of Jesus being our priest? As we look at the temptation of Christ, it teaches the type of priest that Jesus is for us and what it means for us in our own lives. Follow along with us in Matthew 4:1-11.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jesus: God Sends A Prophet

This Advent we are continuing our series through the Bible by looking at Jesus as Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus is the Prophet who is full of grace and truth for the life of the world. But are you listening? Will you listen?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Malachi: God Sends Justice

We find ourselves this week at the end of the Old Testament. The people of God have brought false gods into the temple. Men abandoned their wives, and left them destitute in a system that left no protection for them. Their whole world is broken and hopeless. But God had made His people promises to make it all right again.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jonah: God Loves The World

Take a trip with a very reluctant missionary all the way to the megalopolis of Nineveh. In this emotionally charged story, a dove confronts a monster, and hearts are changed in heaven and on earth, for better and for worse.

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