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Report: God Judges The Nations
Obadiah is a prophecy of judgment against the nations. Yet does this ancient prophecy still have any relevance for us in our time? How does Obadiah teach us about God’s plan of redemption across time and history?
Daniel: God Answers Prayer
When Daniel prays with a deep fervency and passion for God’s people, it teaches us something about prayer. Why do our prayers seem to go unanswered? Who comes to help in times of trouble? This passage asks would you rather have your prayers answered or see the Answer to all your prayers?
Nebuchadnezzar: God Reigns
How do we reconcile God sovereignty and earthly powers? Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful king in the world, yet he was humbled by the Most High. It's an amazing passage because this is the only passage in the Bible written by a pagan king. He wants to tell us his story, and God wants us to hear it.
Furnace: God Walks In Fire
The book of Daniel is about God's sovereignty. The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego teaches us about God’s sovereignty and suffering. Walk in the fire with us as we consider why a good God would allow suffering in our lives.
Servant: God Sends Salvation
In Acts 8, Philip explains the meaning of Isaiah 49 to a eunuch who was perplexed about the meaning. Was the passage talking about Isaiah or Jesus? Philip explains how the passage points to the suffering servant, of One who would come and offer himself to the people of God for their salvation.
Gehazi: God Opens Eyes
Elisha's servant Gehazi struggles to believe that God will come through, even after all he's seen Elisha do through the power of God. He wasn't seeing the whole picture. God opened his eyes and he saw that he was seeing the world through a lens of rationalism and denying the supernatural. Sound familiar?
Naaman: God Cures Body & Soul
A little girl points Naaman, a Gentile, to Elisha for healing. Naaman is healed but his experience is not at all what he expected. How do these three characters point us to Jesus?
Altar: God Answers By Fire
Israel is an idolatrous mess, chasing after Baal and believing in other promises. Elijah steps onto the seen and offers a challenge between the prophets of Baal and he, the prophet of the Lord. How does this story teach us about Jesus and point forward to his victory over the serpent?
Widow: God Raises The Dead
In this story we see the first recorded resurrection in the Bible when Elijah raises the widow’s son. What does it teach us about how God brings new life to his people? How can we learn to align ourselves with how he works in our lives to bring the transforming power of new life?
Temple: God Prepares A People
God always invites his people out of their comfort and into the unknown and uncertainty of faith. Through David God invites his people out of their comfort and into a whole new adventure to see God reveal his glory. In this passage we witness the climax of the Old Testament and the people God intends for us to be.
Census: God Sends The Sword
In 1 Chronicles 21, David takes the census and provokes God to anger. How does God respond to David’s sin? How does David respond to God when he sees him?
Mephibosheth: God Finds Slumdogs
The story of Mephibosheth is one of the sweetest stories in the Bible. It’s a picture of divine love and it’s life-changing power to raise one from obscurity to glory. In this sermon we explore how the story of Mephibosheth is our story, for we have received that very love in Jesus Christ.
David: God Establishes A Throne
In 2 Samuel 7 God makes an incredible promise to David. He promised that his throne would be established forever and of his kingdom there would be no end. This sermon is the story of how God became King in Jesus Christ.
Engedi: God Humbles
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. David shows a different kind of humility than Saul ever showed when he had the chance to kill Saul but instead trusted in the Lord.
Goliath: God Slays Giants
What's the story of David and Goliath really about? It's often treated as the ultimate underdog story that's about overcoming the giants in your own life, but that's not true. How then do we find courage as we face the problems of life? David points forward to a greater Champion that transforms the fearful hearts of his people.
For The Life Of The World
What is God really inviting us into in the Great Commission when he says to “go into all the world?” On Mission Sunday we’re reminded that we aren’t just called to change the world, but we ourselves are changed when we devote ourselves to God’s mission.
David: God Chooses A King
God rejects Saul as king and chooses a new king, David. He was unassuming and even forgotten about by his father, but God teaches us that he does not see as man sees. God looks on the heart.
Saul: God Rejects The King
God rejected Saul, yet the people rejoiced over him. Why was Israel on a completely different page that God? What did they value that God did not? What does Israel’s failure reveal about our own hearts and the King we really need?
Monarchy: God Gives A King
Israel wanted a king to be like the nations. They loved Saul for his size and strength, but the Lord has a completely different response to Saul. Why is Israel on a completely different page than God and what does it teach us about our values?
Altar: God Appears in the Fire
The Angel of the LORD appears to Manoah and tells him that his wife who was barren will have a son. Who is this angel of the LORD? What does this all have to do with Jesus?