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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Canaan: God Sends On Mission

God gave his people a mission, but Judges is the story of their failure to engage in that mission. Within two generations of Joshua the people no longer knew the Lord or anything he had done. How did things fall apart so quickly? What happens when we fail to see our children as part of the mission of God?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Canaan: God Goes To War

Do you feel like you just can't win against sin? You're trying so hard but you feel no closer to defeating it than when you started? What if I told you your plan is all wrong. What if I told you to stop with your plan and just worship God. That's exactly what God tells Joshua in this ancient story! Do you want to live the life God has called you to live?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Bronze Serpent: God Heals

In the wilderness Israel was trapped in discontent as they grumbled against God and Moses. God sent serpents among the people as a result. What does this teach us about our sin and why does God send snakes among the people? Was this just God being harsh or show us something greater?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Spies: God Plays Show and Tell

God sends spies into the Promised Land to show the people the home that awaits them. Yet when the spies return they are disheartened by the size and power of the people of Canaan. They return faithless and hopeless and forget about God.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Sinai: God Relents

When Moses goes up the mountain to meet with God, Israel creates a Golden Calf. What does this passage teach us about how we try to fabricate God’s presence in our lives and how does it turn us towards Christ and our need for him?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Sinai: God Shares His Glory

God shares his glory with His people at Sinai in fire, smoke, lightning, and earthquake, but he shrouds himself in darkness on the mountain of the Lord. At Sinai God introduces himself to the entire nation of Israel, but only allows Moses to come up the mountain into the darkness. What does this incredible display teach us about God and how we approach him?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Wilderness: God Provides

In the wilderness God provides for Israel to teach him to live by his voice. God rains down bread from heaven to provide for them, but somehow they find themselves longing for the chains of their old master.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Red Sea: God Saves

The crossing of the Red Sea is the most dramatic event of the Old Testament. It is far more than just a miraculous event, it is God’s victory over Pharaoh, the redemption of Israel, and the beginning of a new life. On the other side of the Red Sea, Israel belonged to a new Master.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Moses: God Passes Over

God draws close to Moses by appearing to him in a burning bush. Now God draws close to Pharaoh and reveals Himself to him through the plagues and Passover. Come with us as we wrestle with this difficult passage and find out what it means for us.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Moses: God Gives His Name

There are many names for God in the Bible, but at the burning bush God revealed to Moses His forever name, His eternal name. What is it and why should we care? How will bearing His eternal name change us and what does it reveal about God?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Joseph: God Meant For Good

Joseph's story is full of ups and downs, but God was with Joseph and he meant all the evil that happened to him for good. The story of Joseph is an Easter kind of story, because it ends with forgiveness and an empty tomb and points to another empty tomb.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Jacob: God Makes A Promise

Jacob finds himself homeless, a fugitive, a wanderer. And what does that mean for us? Jacob is in his darkest season of life. He's lost everything and is hopeless. And this is where God meets with him. Maybe that's exactly where God will meet with you too.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Abraham: God Tests

What kind of God who would call his servant to sacrifice his own son? Why does God put His own people to the test? And what does that mean for us? It’s in the brutality of this story that we find the beauty of the God in this story.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Abraham: God Gives A Sign

God marks his people as his own and reminds them of his promises. That began with Abraham and the sign of circumcision, it was a sign that God had made him promises and that he would keep them. God has also marked you as his own in Christ.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Abraham: God Makes A Promise

Doubt is inevitable. God’s promise to Abraham hits a seemingly immovable obstacle – Sarah is barren. How does God engage Abraham when he cries out to him amidst his doubt and vexation? How does God use doubt to move us to a deeper faith in him?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Abraham: God Calls

God calls Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldeans to begin a new life and journey to a land that God would show him. Abraham was the first disciple, called by God to follow and walk with him. What does Abraham’s call teach us about our own discipleship?

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Babel: God Scatters

What does the story of Babel teach us about sin and how it operates? Babel is a blueprint for understanding how sin will institutionalize and organize itself into systems of corruption and rebellion against God. Babel gives us a lens to see the power structures in our world and mankind’s attempts to regain what was lost in the Garden.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

The Flood: God Remakes

The Story of Noah is one we may not have thought about since childhood. Perhaps it almost feels like something more akin to the fables of Aesop or the tales of the Brothers Grimm? Let us consider together what God desires to show us through this violent but beautiful story.

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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

The Fall: God Grieves

The fall of mankind is at the heart of what is wrong with the world and how sin fractured everything. But we also see God introduce pain into the lives of Adam and Eve in the most meaningful places of their lives. The very things they were born to do are now painful, yet this is exactly where God will meet his people throughout the rest of the Story.

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