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The Promises Zach Pummill The Promises Zach Pummill

Creation: God Gives Life

The story of Creation is where we see the goodness of God, his power, and the beautiful world that he created. He’s the God who brings order to the chaos. He brings for beauty and life and blesses it. Creation tips God’s hand and shows his purposes for life and blessing.

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Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill

Stand Firm

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness. Often we flip this verse and operate as though our enemy is flesh and blood. When that happens we misidentify who the enemy is and grasp at earthly power instead of heavenly power. Paul teaches us to see our real enemy so that we might participate in the real war.

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Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill


The "Old Man" vs the "New Man" is a theme that runs throughout the Paul’s writings. The old man is a slave to sin after our first father Adam. But the new man is alive in Christ and being conformed to his image. We are being transformed so that our mouth, hands, and heart personify the love of God to the world.

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Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill


What is the purpose of predestination? It doesn’t mean that we sit back because whatever is supposed to happen will happen. When misunderstood it creates a spiritual apathy, but when we understand how Paul describes it then we are driven towards a fuller participation in the purposes of God in Jesus.

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Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill Ephesians: Our Sovereign God Zach Pummill


What is predestination? Is God a Tyrant? Are we just puppets on a string that are forced to do whatever God wants? Doesn’t God love us and want us to love Him? When rightly understood, predestination compels us to engage in God’s mission, not neglect it. Follow us as we dive into the deep end of the pool and explore the much misunderstood doctrine of predestination.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


The second coming of Christ isn’t just an event we wait for, but something we prepare for as Christians. We are to be ready for that which will come like a thief in the night, so we should not fall asleep but remain vigilent.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


How is the second coming of Christ a comfort to Christians? Historically that was the basis of the Church’s remembrance of the second coming. It offered hope to those who recognized they lived in a broken world and that one day, all will be made new.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


In this sermon we consider the face of God and our desire for it and the transforming power of beholding it. At the Second Coming we will see Christ in his fullness, yet will are still called to seek the face of God in hope that he desires to meet with us.

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The Coming King Zach Pummill The Coming King Zach Pummill


Advent is about restoring hope. How does the second coming offer hope in a world of grief and sorrow? What keeps us from experiencing the hope that is ours in Christ? In this sermon, we see how Paul uses the reality of the second coming to offer hope to a grieving church and give us a picture of the future that awaits all believers.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Eats With Us

The Lord’s Supper is a perpetual meal that Christ gave the Church. He invites us to come and eat with him at his table. It’s a reminder that Jesus pursues us in the same way he pursued so many in the Gospel of Luke.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Repenters

Even as Christians we must continuously reconvert throughout our lives by turning away from sin and follow Jesus. The Bible calls this reconversion process repentance. The story of Zaccheaus is a beautiful picture of repentance and how we continue to answer the discipleship call.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Outsiders

At this meal Jesus ate at the house of a Pharisee and taught about the type of banquet that God throws - one that invites the outsiders. Jesus reveals how he is gathering the unwanted guests in this world for the Great Banquet of God.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Zombies

Jesus confronts the Pharisees who invited him to dinner. Why does Jesus confront them and what does it mean for us? It reminds us that Jesus came to rescue his people from corrupt shepherds and teaches us what it means to offer him what he truly desires and reject external religion.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Friends

In this passage we come to the famous story of Mary and Martha. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha was busy being the host. Martha gets frustrated yet Jesus seeks to bring her busyness to rest to spend time with him. Are we willing to see how our own busyness keeps us from Christ?

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Partypoopers

Jesus came to fellowship with his people – but what kind of people are his people? Simon the Pharisee had a different idea than Jesus of who the people of God really are. When the prostitute washed Jesus’s feet, Simon was indignant and held her and Jesus in contempt. But Jesus challenges Simon with the transforming power of God’s grace.

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The Banquet Zach Pummill The Banquet Zach Pummill

Jesus Ate With Sinners

In this sermon we look at the banquet that Levi throws for Jesus and consider what it means to respond to the discipleship call. Jesus ate with all sorts of people and the Gospel of Luke includes meals all throughout his telling of the gospel. Why are meals so important to him and what does this one teach us about Jesus?

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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill

Be Still

The psalmist is looking for power that brings stability to his life when his world has turned upside down. Where does the psalmist lead us as we search for stability in a chaotic world? How does being still invite the power of God to bring confidence to our hearts?

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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill

Up To My Neck

In Psalm 69 we find the psalmist is drowning in challenges and trials. They feel alone and isolated by their circumstances and struggle to find hope. Yet the psalmist teaches us how to engage these moments in life where we feel up to our neck in difficulty and how to focus on God when we do.

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