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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill

A Clean Heart

Psalm 51 is one of the most famous psalms in the Bible. How does it speak to the self-absorbed and show us the symptoms of the self-absorbed life? David shows us in his psalm what he lost sight of and came to see anew through repentance.

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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill

Who You Really Are

We live in a world that's trapped in an identity crisis. We face constant pressure to conform in a world that makes us feel small and insignificant. So what does your Creator have to say about who you are? What does God think of you?

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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill


In this sermon we read this psalm as though it were a prayer of Jesus to look at it from a deeper perspective. We learn that memory and meditation go hand-in-hand when we experience distress. One of the most powerful things we can do is to remember what God has done.

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Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill Beside Still Waters Zach Pummill

Rest for the Restless Mind

How do you approach God in your anxiety? In this psalm we see David struggle with the reality of a restless mind that’s thinking through all the challenges and difficulties of life. Yet we see David come to a place of confidence that’s rooted in how he approaches God.

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


In this sermon we see the people confess their sins as they rededicate themselves to God and living as his people. How does this passage reveal the importance of confession in the life of God's people?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


In this sermon we explore how Nehemiah and God's people attempt to "recapture" the worship of God in spirit and truth and the mission that flows out of that worship. Sometimes we lose focus and our faith runs stagnant. Worship is what reignites our hearts and passion for the things of God and devoting our lives to him once again.

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


Nehemiah continues to face opposition and personal threat to rebuilding the wall. How does Nehemiah respond to the challenges and threats against him? Opposition is not easy to engage, yet Nehemiah teaches us what it looks like to do so by faith.

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


As Nehemiah faces the challenges and threats to rebuilding the city wall, how does he respond? What does Nehemiah’s response teach us about the leader that God’s people need in order to become who they’re called to be?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


When Israel sets themselves to rebuilding the wall they immediately face opposition from the outside. How does Nehemiah respond to this external threat to the purposes of God and how should we face opposition? Are we as resolved to see God’s purposes come about in our lives?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


The people have married foreign wives and Ezra mourns over Israel's unfaithfulness. How does he respond? How are we to think of divorce and marriage and how does Ezra's response relate to the New Testament teaching?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


We're given a detailed profile of Ezra and what makes him so necessary for the people of God. This passage presents Ezra's passion for God's word and dependence upon God as what made him so special and needed.

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


Israel was living in the fear of man and unwilling to rebuild the temple. They had abandoned the work that God had given them and the temple was still incomplete. Why were they afraid and how does God engage with his fearful people?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill


Israel returns ready to engage in the work that God has for them. It was time to rebuild worship in a desolate place. What does it mean for us to rebuild worship in the desolate places of our lives and seek God's presence in all things?

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Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill Return: Ezra-Nehemiah Zach Pummill

Leaving Exile

When Israel returned to the Promised Land they had to unlearn all the rhythms and patterns of life they learned in exile, and relearn what it means to be the people of God. As we return after our own season of exile, how have we been shaped and impacted? How can we recommit to being the people God calls us to be?

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By Faith Zach Pummill By Faith Zach Pummill

Faith & Resurrection

How is it that the resurrection of Christ becomes normative for the church? How can it become the lens through which we see all things? Hebrews teaches us how to understand our lives through the power of God that’s revealed in the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection isn’t just an event, it’s the only way to understand the world.

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By Faith Zach Pummill By Faith Zach Pummill

Faith & False Gospels

In this passage we see the famous phrase "the righteous shall live by faith." What does faith in Christ look like as seek to add things to the work of Jesus and not trust in him alone for our salvation?

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