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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Slaves in Exile”

There are many things in this small passage that don't seem to make sense to a modern mind. Peter is speaking the gospel into a particular time and place. Peter wants to teach us how the Church should engage the state, how the Church should engage injustice and how the Church should engage the way of Jesus Christ.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Priests in Exile”

We are all priests in exile? What does that mean? God is building a priesthood of believers. A community of redemption. It is only in this priesthood, this community, that we will find the answers to our suffering, our grief, and our pain. We are priests exiled together for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Hope in Exile”

When was the last time you felt hope? As we continue asking, "What is my salvation for?", Peter teaches us that it's so we might hope. But knowing the hope of our salvation requires that we understand that we live in exile, because this world is not our home. When we see the hopeless reality of sin in this world, we experience the hope of what God has done in this world through Jesus Christ.

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Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua Life In Exile Matthew Fuqua

“Rejoice In Exile”

Life can feel like being stuck in exile sometimes. Life is full of loss, grief, and sorrow that makes us long for something more. But Jesus meets his people in exile. Peter begins his letter by addressing the "elect exiles" and begins to unpack how our salvation is a Trinitarian endeavor. He is our God and we are his people! He meets us in our lowest, darkest times and he will be with us in our exile to the very end!

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Stand Alone Sermons Matthew Fuqua Stand Alone Sermons Matthew Fuqua

"I'm Going Fishing"

Simon Peter goes fishing. But he hasn't caught a thing until Jesus tells him to cast his net on the other side of the boat. What is really going on in this story? What deeper truth is buried under the surface? Find out with us as we explore John 21

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Scarred God”

In this Easter Sunday sermon on John 20 we look at Thomas. Oftentimes people use Thomas as an example of what not to do, so much so that he's called "Doubting Thomas". But doubt comes to us all more easily than we'd like to admit. But John doesn't highlight Thomas as a warning against doubt, he highlights Thomas for his faith in the midst of his doubt. Thomas needed a Scarred God and so do we.

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Helping God”

It's so hard to acknowledge that you need help. But it's even harder to ask for help if you're able to accept that you need it. Where does our help come from? Jesus gives us a window into this in the upper room. He says the helper is coming , but first He must leave us for a while. Would you rather see Jesus face to face or have The Helper indwelling you. Jesus says the helper is better. But do we really believe that?

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Abiding God”

The way that Jesus talks about discipleship is different than the way we think about discipleship. We may be able to say how to find eternal life in Jesus, but what about life now? How do we change and grow and experience the newness of life that Jesus offers us? In this sermon on John 15, Jesus teaches us what it means to abide in him so that we might bear fruit and experience new life.

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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Footwashing God”

Why did Jesus wash his disciples' feet? The footwashing story is central to Christianity and what it means to be followers of Jesus. His display of sacrificial, self-giving love is the example he leaves us to also love another, yet we so often fall short and get stuck in our discipleship. In this sermon on John 13, we look at why Jesus humiliated himself to wash his disciples' feet and what it means for us as followers of this Footwashing God.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“The Silent Sacrifice”

What is the meaning of Judges 19? The downward spiral of Judges culminates in this story in the most horrific chapter in the Bible. The writer wants us to see the depths of evil that have overtaken the people of God. Yet, in the midst of all the depravity and evil, through the silent sacrifice of the woman, Jesus is giving us the blueprint for how he will identify with the suffering and destroy evil. Join us on the journey to study the scripture and grow closer to Christ.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Weakest Strength”

The story of Samson has been told by the likes of veggie tales and C.S. Lewis, but is by no standard "safe for the whole family." In this sermon on Judges 16 we see God extending grace to Samson in his death when Samson finally chose weakness instead of strength. As we look to find Jesus in this passage it may be hard to see. Where is the "good news" in this story? Where is the gospel? Where is Jesus? He is the better Samson.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Mothers At Holy War”

Judges 4 begins with "the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD sold them into the hand of the king of Canaan." In this story of vengeance and violence, God uses Deborah, Barak, and Jael to deliver his people. But you might ask, "how does this passage point to Jesus"? It might be hard to see, but in this story, God is keeping His promise to bring a savior to crush the head of the serpent!

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

“The Word”

The Word. It's a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path. In this sermon we begin the new year by reminding ourselves of the importance of God's word. What is it and what is happening when we read it. We hope this sermon encourages you in devoting yourself to reading God's word.

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Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“Are You The One?”

Why does God not heal His people when they call on His name? This is surely the question in John's mind when he he asks Jesus "Are You The One?" And why wouldn't Jesus deliver John of all people? Instead John remains in prison and dies a horrible death. These are the hardest of questions but we can begin to unravel the "why" in Matthew 11.

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