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Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill

To Know Christ

When Paul converted his life was radically changed and he lost everything. Yet in his letter to the Philippians he says he counts all that he had as loss. All of his privilege and status and position were lost, yet he says it was as nothing compared to the surpassing knowledge of Christ. He would gladly lose everything because Christ was his.

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Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill

Conquering Complaining

Paul desires unity among the people of the Philippian church, to be of the same mind, and know the joy of being in full accord. How is this type of unity brought about in the life of God’s people? It’s when we lay aside our selfish ambitions and put on the humility of Christ who emptied himself and became a servant.

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Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill Philippians: Joy In Chains Zach Pummill

To Live Is Christ

Despite his circumstances and being in prison, Paul is hopeful. His life has come down to simply knowing Christ, and therefore, his circumstances and struggles are secondary. Why do we allow our circumstances to become the focus and how can we find Jesus and the freedom Paul speaks about? Suffering is inevitable in this life, yet Paul says in Christ our suffering is redeemed.

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