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The Final Hours Zach Pummill The Final Hours Zach Pummill

“The Footwashing God”

Why did Jesus wash his disciples' feet? The footwashing story is central to Christianity and what it means to be followers of Jesus. His display of sacrificial, self-giving love is the example he leaves us to also love another, yet we so often fall short and get stuck in our discipleship. In this sermon on John 13, we look at why Jesus humiliated himself to wash his disciples' feet and what it means for us as followers of this Footwashing God.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“The Silent Sacrifice”

What is the meaning of Judges 19? The downward spiral of Judges culminates in this story in the most horrific chapter in the Bible. The writer wants us to see the depths of evil that have overtaken the people of God. Yet, in the midst of all the depravity and evil, through the silent sacrifice of the woman, Jesus is giving us the blueprint for how he will identify with the suffering and destroy evil. Join us on the journey to study the scripture and grow closer to Christ.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Weakest Strength”

The story of Samson has been told by the likes of veggie tales and C.S. Lewis, but is by no standard "safe for the whole family." In this sermon on Judges 16 we see God extending grace to Samson in his death when Samson finally chose weakness instead of strength. As we look to find Jesus in this passage it may be hard to see. Where is the "good news" in this story? Where is the gospel? Where is Jesus? He is the better Samson.

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Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill Judges: Right In Their Own Eyes Zach Pummill

“Mothers At Holy War”

Judges 4 begins with "the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD sold them into the hand of the king of Canaan." In this story of vengeance and violence, God uses Deborah, Barak, and Jael to deliver his people. But you might ask, "how does this passage point to Jesus"? It might be hard to see, but in this story, God is keeping His promise to bring a savior to crush the head of the serpent!

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

“The Word”

The Word. It's a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path. In this sermon we begin the new year by reminding ourselves of the importance of God's word. What is it and what is happening when we read it. We hope this sermon encourages you in devoting yourself to reading God's word.

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Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“Are You The One?”

Why does God not heal His people when they call on His name? This is surely the question in John's mind when he he asks Jesus "Are You The One?" And why wouldn't Jesus deliver John of all people? Instead John remains in prison and dies a horrible death. These are the hardest of questions but we can begin to unravel the "why" in Matthew 11.

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Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“He Preached Good News”

In Luke 3, John speaks for the first time in the Gospel of Luke and in his first words he calls the crowd a "brood of vipers.” How is John preparing the way for the Lord with this language? His call to repentance awakens a sleepy people of God and he moves them towards being ready for the coming of the Lord. Are you ready for his coming and how does John teach us what that actually means?

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Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“He Leapt For Joy”

Two mothers begin a conversation and one of the babies "leapt for joy." This was a supernatural moment. One of these babies was John the Baptist and the other was Christ himself. So tiny in His mother's womb, maybe just an inch long. But these women, filled with the Spirit, knew exactly what was happening, and the significance of these two children not yet born. We pray you'll be encouraged by this sermon from Luke 1:39-45.

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Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill Advent 2023: Prepare The Way Zach Pummill

“He Will Be Great”

God breaks His 400 year silence with, of all things, a birth announcement? This, however, is no ordinary baby. He was born to prepare the way for the Lord as the prophet Isaiah foretold. But this story is actually about Zachariah, his father. We find an incredibly encouraging message 2000 years later buried just under the surface of this story!

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Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill Stand Alone Sermons Zach Pummill

Just Believe

In this passage Jesus heals a little girl and a woman who was sick for twelve years. Jesus is turning unbelievers into believers in this passage but the people in this story found way more than they bargained for. Join us on our journey to know God and to walk more closely with Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world!

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

The Church and The Table

The final sermon in our series "The Church." How does the Table tie together everything that we are as the Church? What implications does it have for how we are to live and follow Christ? Follow us on our journey to know and love God and to be transformed to be more like Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

A Royal Priesthood

"We are a Holy Priesthood" What does that mean? We have no modern day equivalent to this. But this truth has massive implications for the people of God and it is good news for us! Let see what Peter is talking about as we dive deeper into 1 Peter.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Mother of Christians

Many of us have fathers who have abandoned, or abused us, and we have trouble relating to God as our Father. Many of us have mothers who never gave us love or affirmation and so it may be hard to hear Paul's words in Galations 4 that the church is our mother. Especially when so many of us have been hurt by the church in addition to all this. But what Paul is talking about here is not what you may have experienced. It's a beautiful picture of what God wants the church to be. Follow us on our journey to know and love God and to be transformed to be more like Him. For the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

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The Church Zach Pummill The Church Zach Pummill

Army of God

The spiritual realm. An invisible evil. The spiritual dimension. We have a hard time with these things don't we? Its easier to just live in the dimension you can see and explain away everything as coincidence, chance, or luck right? But God has placed us on the front lines of a battle that is fought in a dimension we can't see, with weapons that seem powerless to us, with eternal consequences. And we better be ready.

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