Explore Redeemer


Our Story

Redeemer was planted in 1999 and moved into downtown Rockwall in 2000. Since then the Lord has grown us, stretched us, and given us a desire to continue reaching Rockwall, the surrounding communities, and across the globe - for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.

Our Pastors

No matter what age and stage you’re at, we want you to be loved and cared for at Redeemer. We have pastors committed to caring for the body of Christ in every season of life, whether young or old, and building up our community of faith.

Our Beliefs

We value the many faithful expressions and traditions of the Church and we particularly celebrate the Reformed tradition that emphasizes God’s sovereignty, God’s grace, and God’s ultimate purpose in Christ.

Youth Ministry at Redeemer Rockwall

Our Kids & Youth

We believe our children are a vital part of God’s mission. We want our children, and yours, to grow up to love Jesus more than anything else and devote their lives to his purposes.

Our Community at Redeemer Rockwall

Our Community

The Christian life is meant to be lived out community as we follow Jesus together. Our ministries focus on building relationships for every age and season of life.

Global Missions at Redeemer Church Rockwall in Rockwall, TX

Our Impact

The mission of God is at the core of who we are at Redeemer. Our church has invested in India since 2011 and we have seen God do extraordinary things there and here. Come and see.